How to find an off-market deal? Social Media

Relationships rule everything in real estate and social media is the relationships king.

Today more then ever before, there is power in social media and if you’re not leveraging these platforms to find your next investment, build your network, and expand your reach, then you are missing the train big time.

Our favourite platforms are LinkedIn and Facebook, however, many investors have landed deals using other platforms such as Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter. You never know who is watching and where the next deal will come from.

So what to expect?

First, there are always deals flying around in real estate investing groups, realtor groups or real estate networking groups. so be sure to start there first.

Second, It’s a great way to network and see who the players are in your area that you may be able to build a relationship with over time and get your next deal. You can find by the post and comments your next deal partner.

Third, social media is a great way to show people who you are and what you are up to (Buying and selling). Use these platforms to build your brand as a real estate investor and show them what you’re all about. Remember, people do business with those they know, like, and trust.

So, what are you waiting for?

Go out there and find your next deal!!!

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